May 20, 2017

Today is May 20, 2017, we started the day eating breakfast together as a group reflecting on the various experiences we have had. We walked to a local church which had a tent we were able to use for our medical camp today in the Athi River. Not everyday do you see gazelle on your walk to a medical camp. We made it to the camp, setup two more smaller tents for shade for our pharmacy and waiting area. We setup 5 medical stations to see patients. We were blessed with beautiful weather during the day. We were there until sunset, literally using the light on a cellphone to see every last patient! We are estimating that we saw about 150 patients, but do not have the total number yet. We saw both adults and kids. It was fun to see the families coming in together. The little sweetheart children that we were able to give a stuffed animal toy, it's fun putting a smile on their face. We had a steady amount of patients, and the patients were so appreciative for the time we were able to spend with each one. We ended the day by walking back and enjoying dinner together reflecting on the day. Until tomorrow...

Melodie Prager

Sorry about not having pictures are having problems uploading them. Maybe by tomorrow we will have it figured out!

Jess Flaeschel


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